
The Lonely Islands: The Evolutionary Phenomenon that is New Zealand

My book, The Lonely Islands, recounts the origins of New Zealand’s native plants and animals, and how they evolved on these remote islands.

It is the most complete book to date on the subject.  Extensively researched, it is a must read for anyone who has an interest in New Zealand’s distinctive and unique native life.

Here you will find answers to:

  • New Zealand’s geological history: the long path from being a part of Gondwana to becoming remote and mountainous islands in the southwest Pacific.
  • The story of how New Zealand’s diverse native life came to be here – were they Gondwanan ‘survivors’ or did they disperse here across the ocean?
  • What happened to New Zealand’s animals and plants after they arrived here?  In what unusual ways did animals such as its birds, frogs, bats and reptiles evolve?  Why did some of its plants take on unusual forms?

Read more about The Lonely Islands

Tour Guiding in New Zealand

I act as guide and tour manager on coach tours, particularly for those with an educational or natural history focus.

On student study tours I field guide in the outdoors and deliver lectures.

I also operate small-group tours for private groups as The Inside Story Ltd.

Read more about my guiding